Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Again I have been reading back over notes and thinking about my experiences and thought processes on the course so far.  On the Induction day we were all asked the question by Alan 'What does Success mean to ourselves?'  This question really stood out for me as I've never thought about it before, so it has got me thinking and I thought I would write a Blog about it!

Success is an Individual thought although its overall meaning is a good thing and the definition of success has the same outline to each individual, I believe Success means something different to everyone.  My first step was to actually define success in my mind before finding what success means to me.  So ....... What does Success mean?  For this I used the Oxford Dictionary and here are the three definitions it displayed:-

          The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. 

        The attainment of fame, wealth or social status.  

        A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame or wealth etc. 

        (Oxforddictionaries.com, 2010)

When clear in my head what is meant by success I brainstormed my thoughts of what success means to me.  This is what I came up with:-

Gaining an
                   Positivity                                               To Smile J
          To earn a                      Attending many auditions     Working in the Industry
           Good income                                                               I trained in
Happiness    Success       Hard work
Perseverance                                                    Being Healthy        
                       Aiming for your Dreams
                                                                           Having a steady
                             Maintaining a good                                         working pattern
                         level of Fitness         Job Offers

Success can be very specific goal or a very wide idea depending on each individual.  I believe if we put together all our brainstorms and thoughts they would all be similar but from different views.  In conclusion to this question, although it means to achieve your goal I believe success is personal and specific to each person.  Success is different to dreams but success can be reached if you reach your dreams.  Some dreams cannot always be reached but this does not mean that you have not been successful, for example you could have a dream job or role that you truly love, however although we dream of these they are not always attainable so success is what you believe you are capable of achieving.  You also need to consider when you want to achieve success by as I feel time is key on determining if you have reached success. 

You could also look at things you would not consider as much to be successful, but actually look back and realise they have helped you to get where you are today which can now be consider a good step on your way to success.  I read this phrase 'Failure is success if we have learnt from it'.  This phrase has made me realise it's not always the achievements that create success it can also be what you learn from mistakes.  I can link this is to my views of success as for when I've attended auditions which I have not been successful in gaining the job I have still learnt more in preparation for future auditions. 

It would be really interesting to see what everyone else views success as, so I can discover if it is individual to each person.  Hopefully you can find the time to think about what success means to you and blog about it. 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Professional Communication Technologies

I have spent the last few hours reading and making notes on the course reader 'Professional Communication Technologies' and thought as my thoughts and ideas are still fresh in my mind I would write a blog on it for Task 1b. 

When I first started to read I was making links to the first campus session I attended where in groups we were asked the question 'How do web based technologies enhance professional practice?'  When approached with this question, we decided as a group, to define in our eyes what we believe web based technologies are.  This later led our discussions to how prominent and important they are becoming to our communications within our professional practice.  So I have already a few underlying thoughts and opinions on the context of the reader. 

After reading the course reader here's my developing of my thinking on a range of ideas , theories and issues raised.  The reader confirmed for me that technology is progressing and evolving day by day.  I look back now and realise many tools I use to use within my career and training were web 1.0 tools, which are a 1 to 1 or 1 to an audience interaction.  For example when I left college I sent emails and CVs to agents which is defined as a 1 to 1 basis, formal but without that personal interaction.  When I was at college for researching purposes I often used websites to find out information, which is information from creator to reader, again a 1 to 1 basis.  Now I have used Facebook for many years, which is a web 2.0 tool in the form of a social network, however it's only since I started this course I've realised how it can be used in relation to my professional career.  Each step I take with this course I realise how important web 2.0 tools are becoming in communication for my professional practice. 

As professional practitioners we are adapting to the changes of the ever growing Internet to incorporate them in our professions using web 2.0 tools.  Web 2.0 tools was defined in the reader as a second generation of web based technologies, these include Blogs, Search Engines, Social Networks etc.  These tools allows interaction between the creator and reader and for the reader to become the creator.  A huge benefit for me with the web 2.0 tools whilst on this BAPP course is that it can be accessed anywhere in the world.  It's a tool acting as a platform.

I learnt in the reader that Tim O'Reilly created a 'Meme' which underlines 3 main concepts that centre on users and creators for web 2.0 tools. 

Architecture of Participation
This is web 2.0 tools enabling and encouraging participation.  Participation has a key role with the evolving of the Internet as it provides the ability for people to interact, sharing their views, opinions and knowledge.  It encourages people to network socially and helps websites to constantly evolve.  This is what I have already discovered for myself since starting the BAPP course with creating a Blog.  However, already through my journey on this course I have experienced this can not always be as easy as it seems. 

               "Participation is a function, in part, of the reduction of barriers to access
              and that an increase in participation can contribute to the successful building of
                relationships and the democratisation of media" (Hamilton, 2000, Course Reader
             Professional Communication Technologies)

This is very true as I discovered at the start of the course, when I was delayed due to a lack of Internet connection and a laptop that had crashed.  These are issues that can easily get in the way of web 2.0 tools. 

Remixable Data and Transformations
This is web 2.0 tools remixing the culture and materials by different users and rearranged for a new purpose.  It's millions of users sharing photos, texts and music.  This leads to the concept of 'Produsage' which is participation as both a producer and a consumer.  Produsage equals content by a wide community, merges professional and amateur backgrounds and it will always be unfinished, continually being developed.  This is like my blog, as although I started this for my BAPP course, I can see how this can continue to progress and evolve enhancing my career. 

Harness Collective Intelligence
This is web 2.0 tools allowing communities to develop beyond their 'exisiting professional networks'.  It builds on the social network encouraging interaction on a world wide scale.  Web 2.0 tools facilitate debates, discussions and critical reflection.  It's social systems, intelligent search engines and it relies on the users intelligence, thoughts and knowledge to continue to improve and continue to evolve. 

After reading this reader it has cleared up and created new thoughts and ideas on how beneficial web 2.0 tools can be to me in my professional communication within my career.   I am really feeling the benefits of the blog already with others commenting and helping me to improve and learn new things.  It's great meeting others within different roles and communicating through web 2.0 tools, and I'm looking forward to continue commenting on others blogs and seeing how mine develops. 

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

My Flickr Portfolio

I have now managed to add a collection of photos of myself to my Flickr Portfolio of my time through my career so far, showing the best bits!!  After looking at other peoples Flickr collections its good to see what sort of a background we all come from and what others have achieved.  It was a little daunting as I have never used Flickr before but working through the steps it was all actually quite easy and I'm pleased with my results.  I hope you enjoy my portfolio on Flickr. 

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Second Profile of Emma Burkett

After Posting my first profile on my blog I took the time to look at other peoples profiles that have been posted and thought about what makes a good profile/CV.  I viewed many different formats and types of profiles/CVs and have decided to write a second profile for myself as I felt that each profile is good for different occasions.  As my first profile is very formal I feel it is effective in very professional environments whereas looking at others I have enjoyed the written profiles for a blog environment as they give a more personal touch but still give all the details required in a profile.  So I have now written my profile again trying out a new format.............

My stage name is Emma Campbell, I'm 24 years old and I'm a Musical Theatre Performer.  During the years 2005 - 2008 I attended SLP College, 'Studios La Pointe' in Leeds where I trained in Musical Theatre for 3 years and gained a National Diploma in Professional Musical Theatre.  It was a fantastic and intense 3 years of my life in which I developed and improved many disciplines of performance including Tap, Modern, Jazz, Ballet, Singing and Acting.  I have also learnt many new skills including Pas De Deux, Commercial Dance, Contemporary, Mime and Salsa.  Whilst at college I took my teaching exams for the ISTD Syllabus in Modern and Tap. 
During college I was involved in many productions including 'Tribute', 'Gotta Dance' and 'Thats Entertainment'.  I was also picked to represent my college at 'Move It' in London.  In 2008 I performed on London's West End in my showcase in which I was a featured soloist and dancer.  

After graduating from college I have worked in a variety of jobs.  I have worked as a dancer and performer within 'Dancing Divas' dance troupe touring across the country performing at different events and venues.  I enjoyed this employment as there was always a variety to each performance and a change in styles. 

For the last 2 years I have been a member of 'Phoenix' agency and have had many roles working on TV programmes such as Casualty, Doctors and Lewis.    I have thoroughly enjoyed many filming sessions I have worked on and it has given me a greater love for acting. 

Over Christmas in 2009 I played the villainous Dame in 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.  I performed on tour with Chaplins Productions.  I really enjoyed playing the villain in Panto as there is great depth that can be explored within a villain and I felt I could really develop the character and make it my own.  With my success in Pantomime last year I have been invited back by Chaplins Pantos this year to perform for them again on an extended tour in their production of 'Little Red Riding Hood'.  I start rehearsals this Friday and I'm really looking forward to the next challenge in my career. 

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Profile of Emma Burkett

Nationality    British/White
Playing age  15-23
Height            5’4”
Eye colour    Brown
Hair colour   Strawberry Blonde
Dress size     12     
Shoe size      5          
Vocal type    Mezzo-Soprano
Vocal range  D2 – B4

2005-2008            Trinity National Diploma in Professional Musical Theatre                          SLP College, Leeds

Trained by:
Stewart Avon-Arnold, Michelle Blair, Stuart Sweeting, Alessia Bonacci, Darren Charles, Lucy Meggit, Adrienne Posta, Jordi Guitart, David Sellings, Darren Middleton, Nicki Allan, Helen Leaf, Sam Bell, Stuart Salduk, Hayley Tamaddon, David Watkin-Holmes, Rachel Pease, Martin Saxton

Performing Experience

Director/ Choreographer
November 2010 - Current
Little Red Riding Hood, Pantomime
Granny Hood
Chaplins Productions
January 2009 – Current
Casualty, Doctors, Lewis
Supporting Artist
January 2009 – Current
Dancing Divas Productions
Jennifer Turbit
November 2009 – January 2010
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Pantomime
Gertie Grump – Dame/Villain
Chaplins Productions
June 2008
That’s Entertainment
Michelle Blair, Stewart Avon-Arnold, David Watkin-Holmes, Hayley Tamaddon, Darren Charles, Rachel Pease
Alhambra, Bradford
April 2008
CoLA’s Awards
Rachel Pease
Harrogate International Centre
March 2008
SLP Showcase
Dancer, Featured Vocalist
Stewart Avon-Arnold, Michelle Blair, David Watkin-Holmes
Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly, London
March 2008
‘Move It’
Featured Dancer
Alessia Bonacci
November 2007
‘Christmas Concert’
Ensemble singer
Mr Nevares, Peter Taylor, Stewart Avon-Arnold
Whitkirk Church
June 2007
‘Gotta Dance’
Featured Vocalist, Ensemble Dancer
Mr Nevares, Stewart Avon-Arnold, Darren Middleton, Sam Bell, Derek Hartley, Stuart Salduk
The Bradford Alhambra
December 2006
Ensemble Dancer and Singer
Adrienne Posta, Helen Leaf, Mr Nevares, Sam Bell, Darren Charles, Stewart Avon-Arnold
The Carriage Works, Leeds
June 2006
Ensemble Dancer and Singer
Adrienne Posta, Helen Leaf, Sam Bell, David Sellings, Stuart Salduk
Wakefield Theatre Royal
December 2005
‘A Celebration in Song’
Ensemble Singer
Helen Leaf, Sam Bell
Holy Trinity Church, Leeds

Special Skills:
A competent dancer in all styles, Advanced Gymnastics, Basic Pas De Deux, Swimming, Horse Riding, Ice Skating, Waitress and bar work, Full Driving License, CRB certified. 

RP, General American, Southern country (Regional own).

Thursday, 4 November 2010

My First Thoughts - The Induction Day

Well it has been a while since I attended the Induction Day, but I have been reading back over my notes and thought I would post a blog with my thoughts and feelings.  
   -It was a nerve wracking time at first, for several reasons - It has been 2 years since I did any form of college work and 6 years since I was involved in full time academic work.  At the beginning I had no idea what to expect or what exactly this course entailed
    Looking back now the Induction Day helped me to move forward and get a good insight in to what lies ahead for me over the next 16months.  It was great to meet other students on the course, especially as there will be lots of interaction between everyone using the blogging process.  It was also nice to see we were all in the same boat and nobody really knew what to expect or what road we were heading down.  With group discussions, questions asked and answered and a good overview of what lies ahead I am glad I attended the Induction Day.  Now with what this day has set me up with, and the readings I have to move forward on through my course all I have left to say is ....... "here goes!!" ........