Monday, 14 May 2012

Critical reflection on Profession Practitioner Inquiry

Critical Reflection on Professional Practitioner Inquiry

Working my way through many elements of research, assessing existing knowledge and looking into research tools I have come to an Inquiry that is best suited to me and my working environment. 

To begin with I carefully considered my wide range of topic areas that I encounter each day within my working profession also considering how I would like to move forward.  An effective tool for me was starting with a brainstorm in which I branched out with initial thoughts and ideas I could pursue as my practitioner Inquiry.  With the initial feedback from colleagues and piers on my brainstorm my initial starting process had made a positive lead.  Taking this further, after learning from the reader to consider my existing knowledge as a tool for developing my lines of professional inquiry and how this can be developed not just to progress myself as a professional but also to benefit others within this profession.  Once I had my inquiry subject and proposed my award title I furthered my inquiry plan process by looking into the ethics that could be questioned when carrying out the inquiry.  This stage I found more difficult as although ethics surrounded me on a day to day basis it is not something, being self-employed, I have ever taken much thought over therefore I benefited from first blogging on what ethics actually were, so I could gain my own understanding on how they would be part of my inquiry.  Developing my own definition and understanding will help me further on through my inquiry process to adhere to ethical considerations.  As my Inquiry will take place in a school environment I needed to look in to code of conducts within schools to avoid any ethical issues causing problems for my inquiry and so I could plan and use tools that would be ethical.  To prepare myself for this I looked in to what is expected and followed as ethical boundaries to stand me a better stead when starting my inquiry. 

As part of preparation for my inquiry I found published articles that provided me with findings that related to my planned studies.  These show the development that dance has already made and can assist me in finding how development is continuing to grow.  I displayed via my blog key information that I took from specific web links that I used to develop my inquiry plans.  Also of benefit for the effects I am considering dance to have on children I have been informed of issues that could arise from further readings I looked into. 

With reference to tools that I can use I could have developed these further, looking at possibly interviewing the subjects of my inquiry however with the age I am focusing my inquiry on I felt with the effectiveness of streamlining my own questions surveys would be more conclusive to a strong set of findings. 

Overall I have effectively used my blog to publish my progress on my journey to developing my professional practitioner inquiry. 

Effective Tools

Now looking in to tools that I could use during my Inquiry process there are few different tools I would like to consider to see what is effective. 

Now initially I thought of interviews, which has been seen as an effective way to gain information from the participants involved directly and can ask questions that allow them to answer freely.  However looking in to this type of tool for research I feel there is a downside.  For me this will produce answers that could vary so much from each interview to the next, and that could be so wide in it's findings that it would also be harder for me to come to a suitable conclusion to my overall findings. 

I also feel with the interview technique it would not be the most suitable tool to use when my questions will be proposed to a class of children that range between 7-11 years old.  Therefore I feel that some may not be as comfortable giving their own thoughts on answers on the questions that I propose to them that the results would not be even and fair. 

As I would still like to ask the Children of the class involved in my inquiry questions to help me come to a good range of findings I have considered the tools of questionnaires/surveys.  With practice on surveys among my colleagues, with them answering questions for me so I could gain an idea of the tool and how it works, but also with me filling in others surveys I can now report on the use of this tool from both views.

With questionnaires/surveys a range of answers can already be provided and each child would have to tick the box they most relate to for each answer, this would provide a range of results that can be measured and displayed as my findings for my research for my inquiry.  I will still benefit from keeping 1 or 2 questions open to allow those to fill in their own thoughts with following a set answering plan constantly. 

Finally one other tool I have considered using for my inquiry would be observations.  As my inquiry is of dance within education it would be beneficial to the inquiry to observe classes in action and set myself a plan on how to take findings from these observations.  I can do these observations over a period of time to make them more valid for my results.  I am aware this will be an effective tool to use as I have already had experience of this tool whilst completing my teaching exams in dance where I had to observe classes and report on them.

What I have taken from related articles

Now as part of my progress in working towards writing my Inquiry plan and to inform me in what information is already out in society I researched in to related points that link to my inquiry, therefore I looked for related articles that had links to dance within education. 

I have found many articles on the world wide web that have provided me with much information on the topic of dance within education.  There were readings that have already been published but also information through the National Dance Teachers Association that had put online there 2010-2020 vision of Dance in Education in England, this took the format of a power point rather than a reading but I found it very informative with some information that they have concluded in relation to issues of Dance Within Education.  These informed me that there is limited funding and also that dance is more readily available with better resources in some schools but not all.  These statements can relate to the aspect of my inquiry where I would like to look in to the advantages and disadvantages that dance has within education. 

Regards to the development side of dance within the curriculum and how it has moved forward over all the years I found valuable information from Sanderson, 1996, Dance within the National Curriculum for Physical Education for England and Wales.  I learnt from this published article that dance was first introduced in 1909 but until the 1940's it consisted of European and folk dances.  Where as I can now compare this to how dance is being used within the curriculum at present from the Online Curriculum that states 'Dance in the Physical Education Curriculum encourages children to improve body management skills, to understand movement, to work with others and to develop creativity and imagination.'  With these two statements from these two articles/web links I can already see how dance has developed as a subject of Physical Education within schools, and I would like my inquiry to consider the way it has travelled and progressed through time and perhaps look at how it may continue moving forward.   

Another article I discovered that has provided information to myself that links to my inquiry that I wish to pursue in relation to advantages/benefits and also the disadvantages/negatives that can be experienced by the children whilst learning dance as a subject in Physical Education.  Gender issues were highlighted as an issue by an article published by Doug Risner, Critical Social Issues in Dance Education.  In this article it is highlighted how dance in european countries is seen to involve more females which has lead me to to move on to what I would like to consider is if there are any gender issues still present within dance in education. 

All that I have found has helped me for a basis of my research, and has given me more inspiration to take my inquiry further and develop my own findings of Dance within Education. 

Professional Ethical guidelines from my workplace

Now I attended a campus session during the module in which we discussed ethics, and what we thought ethics were.  At that paricular meeting I started to write my own ethical conduct for my workplace in which I have posted before this blog.  Once I returned I looked at Part 5b and researched in to the professional ethics that are in place in the educational system.  Looking on the world wide web I found some information that does not necessarily stand as direct ethics, but I thought it was relevant to my inquiry.  Whilst I looked for information on actual ethical considerations that are in place in schools, I found an article which made me consider looking at key traits that make a good teacher, key principles being
  • Be a good role Model
  • Make pupils your key concern
  • Promote the education of pupils
  • Be open and honest and act with integrity
  • Show respect for others
These 5 bullet points published by The General Teaching Council for Scotland, in Driving Forward Professional Standards for teachers, stood out to me.  With these as a base of what a teacher should be it then links to a base on what ethics should be in place within the school environment.  I feel if I had taken these points in to consideration before I had wrote my own 5 ethical considerations to be adhered to. 

Now as I have been taken part in work experience at my local Junior school, and I hope to continue my inquiry whilst there, I have taken key points from there code of conduct that I was instructed to read when I started.  As these are relevant to my exact professional environment at present I felt extracting from these and blogging on them would be  more suitable.  Unfortunately they are provided to me on paper, therefore I cannot link to them. 

So with regards to task 5B here is what I have taken from the code of conduct that is in place to keep the school environment adhering to ethical issues. 

  1. We aim to create and maintain a welcoming, caring and safe environment where all relationships are based on mutual respect and to develop a positive self-esteem in each child. 
  2. Children are taught what is acceptable behaviour and are made aware of the consequences of breaking the rules. 
  3. Class teachers are largely responsible for the behviour of children within class and will agree a set of class rules through agreement and discussion with the children.  These rules form a basis for acceptable behaviour, within the School's overall code of conduct. 
  4. Children are positively encouraged to conform to high standards of behaviour showing consideration and respect for other people and their property.  All adults in the school are expected to demonstrate high standards of personal conduct as a positive example to children and to reinforce the shared values both in and out of the classroom. 
  5. As a school, we believe strongly that our children should be able to show responsibility, self-control and high standards of personal conduct.  To illustrate our expectation we have a code of conduct for our children to follow which is summarised into the '5 Golden Rules'.  The rules encompass all aspects of desirable behaviour and are phrased in positive terms.  Through discussion in school, children will learn that these rules will guide and support them in their choices of appropriate behaviour. 

I have just blogged the top five key points that I have taken from this code that are relevant to the school and the environment, which of course is where my inquiry will take place so these are relevant to my inquiry. 

I do see quite a big difference from my 5 points I raised and those that are in place.  Mine from task 5A I feel were more specific to the class that I am going to be observing.  However I feel the guidelines that are in place, cover a wide area of ruling that can be linked to all areas of the professional environment.  It is also seen to me that further rules are then divised within the classroom between the pupils and the teachers, which will add to the meeting of all ethical issues.  I also feel developing these in the classroom can be seen as effective with using the childrens input aswell. 

I feel I will need to continue working on the ethical considerations of my inquiry to get them exactly right.  Learning from as I have posted in this blog not to be so specific, but also realising that my study will take place in a classroom and further rules are developed in the classroom environment. 

Saturday, 12 May 2012

My ethics for my working environment

Looking at the way my thoughts are heading for my Inquiry I will use a school as the basis for my response to Task 5a, looking into ethics. 
So taking a school environment during a Dance class in P.E. here are my own top 5 rules that I feel may apply:-

1.  All children allowed to take a bottle of drink with them to use if required during class. 

2.  When correcting a childs position/stature make sure they are clear in what you are doing and have permission from the child to touch them and help them in class. 

3.  Class is only allowed to last for a maximum of 90 minutes without a substansial break. 

4.  Correct clothes and footwear should be worn by pupils and teachers, those who have not got correct clothes or footwear will be required to find a suitable alternative or will have to sit and observe the class learning from watching, 

5.  Any photos they may be taken for school displays, classroom displays and childrens own classroom projects we must have permission before hand from the parents of each child with a signature agreeing to the taking of photos for educational purpose only and these must be kept on record. 

Professional Ethics

Firstly what is Professional Ethics?
Now to help me understand Ethics let me first look at the meaning behind the word,

'Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity'.  (Oxford Dictionary Online)

And then to look at the word 'Professional'. 

'Relating to or belonging to a profession'.  (Oxford Dictionary Online)

Therefore professional ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behaviour relating to a profession. 

So with what I have taken from the definitions above, in my eyes ethics outline rules and regulations, codes of conduct for those in a specific environment/workplace.  Ethics is like a behaviour that is allowed within the environment however there are lines where this behaviour can be crossed, rules can be broken.  Professional ethics are there as rules to help a workplace/environment run smoothly and for colleagues to know how to conduct themselves on a day to day basis. 

Please add any comments and let me know what your definition of professional ethics is, or if you have anything to add to my blog.

Friday, 11 May 2012

My proposed award title and rationale

The award I seek as a result of doing this programme is BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Dance within Education. 

The majority of my own skills and knowledge are mainly based in the Dance subject of my award title, with what I learnt during my time at dance school on a 3 year Musical Theatre course.  This knowledge I later expanded on during my career as a performer.  Now with my interest to take my experiences and knowledge of dance and pass on in the world of teaching I want to consider the effects dance has on children within the education system as it is a part of their curriculum.  With recent experience I have gained in teaching I would like to look further into the depths of dance within schools, considering the advantages and disadvantages to children.  I would also like to look at how it has developed and could possibly develop further.  Hopefully this will expand my knowledge within education and make me a stronger teacher, and provide further information for teachers who have not studied dance as a core subject

Please let me know what you think, and I was wondering do I need to add to it at all and make it longer, or does it cover what it needs to cover!?

My Developments to find my Inquiry topic

To start with I brainstormed all thoughts in my head that I had relation to that could be incorporated in to my very own inquiry.  Here is a photo (blogged again!) of this brainstorm as I struggled to create the Brainstorm on the laptop!!

After getting all my thoughts and ideas down on paper I needed to look at the route I wanted to take next and what knowledge I want to use and what I want to learn more in.  I have many years of performing within Dance and now wish to take my knowledge and interest in to teaching to pass on what I have learnt and the enjoyment I get from dancing and performing to others.  Now looking at my own brainstorm I could of taken one particular path but as my interests have always been in dance and I now wish to take them further in teaching dance then I feel it would be best to incorporate both dance and teaching together for my inquiry. 

After this decision had been made my next step was to get involved in discussions, putting it out there to learn from others in the area of dance and teaching and read thoughts, opinions and others knowledge on the topic to help me find my specific line of Inquiry.  Although I know I want to incorporate dance and teaching there are still many different lines of Inquiry which this could follow and I need to find the best for me with what interests me most and that I can use within my workplace. 

Now I didn't start my own specific Special Interest Group as at the time there were many discussions in place that already took a similar line that I wanted to start, so rather than adding another to the list I joined in discussions that I could link to. 

Many discussions talked about dance in schools and how it has developed, but also how dancers struggle to get jobs as teachers although trained and worked in the profession for years however teachers are able to teach dance although are not as experienced.  Discussions also looked at

As I have said, knowing my interest has always been in Dance and with the training and career I have had so far, I now want to take this further in to my furture as I wish to pursue my skills in the form of teaching. Now with these 2 interest, I wish to continue with an inquiry that incorporates the two. Now being involved in discussions I have started to see teaching under the bracket of 'Education'. Now with dance in education developing constantly I could look at the rate, or how it could continue growing and developing and these benefits. However part of the teaching aspects that interest myself is my own knowledge and skills I can pass on to children.  Looking at the children in the world of education and learning dance within schools we could always consider how it would benefit them.

After attending one of the campus sessions for this module, we discussed peoples ideas of what they thought they would be following for their line of inquiry.  I advised I was looking at a possible inquiry title of 'The Benefits of Dance within Education'.  As this thought was discussed among the group it was believed that it incorporated my workplace, my knowledge and a way for this to move forward in an inquiry, however it was bought to my intention that with this specific title it already implies that there are definitely benefits to having Dance within education. 

After the group discussion, pulling everything together from myself, from the SIG's and from the discussions at campus sessions I set on thinking about other ways to consider the advantages and disadvantages of having dance within education but without implying the outcomes in the title before I know them. 

So new ideas I then came up with were along the lines of simply saying 'Dance within Education', 'Dance in Education'  This title shows what I am looking into, but allows me to start open minded and not imply any results until the inquiry is completed and a conculusion is found.  Another idea is 'The effects of Dance within Education'. 


Now one way we discussed at a campus session in how to develop our Inquiry ideas and thoughts with our fellow students to help each other develop those ideas into an actual Inquiry topic to pursue was through SIG's.  Now these are Special Interest Groups where communication between each other is used to express thoughts and ideas.  Discussions are continued with questionning and gathering others thoughts, opinions and ideas that are in the industry and line of work that the discussion are on. 

Now since looking at my initial thoughts brainstorm, and knowing where I have an interest using what I have already experienced and knowledge I have gained and then looking at where I want to head in the future within my career is a route I believe my Inquiry should follow. 

What also is of benifit to me of the SIG's is finding other students that are currently on this course looking in to similar Inquiries, in similar topics that connect with mine as our ideas can bounce off each other through our discussions and we then help each other to find out the exact line of inquiry we wish to follow. 

Now we started our SIG's through Facebook, as this is a very popular social networking site which we all have easy access to and agreed it would be the best place to form our own SIG's.  Now I have been involved a couple of different SIG's and have added my thoughts to a few discussions, communicating different thoughts through conversations with other students on the BAPP course, however it has come to light that these have now been erased off of the social networking site and I am no longer able to access to hyper link to express on Blog the development of the SIG's I have been involved in. 

Any further thoughts you may have please add a comment on dance withing schools and education and how it can effect teaching, or add to the curriculum or even the effects it has on teachers. 

Developing lines of Professional Inquiry

Ok so after reading the reader on developing lines of professional inquiries I thought it would be best to write a short blog on what information I gained from the Reader and the best bits I learnt to take forward during this module. 

Firstly all processes of Inquiries are forms of research that I can use further to investigate, explore, evaluate and understand my own professional inquiry.  Professional Inquiry is a type of approach to learning and this I can link to the areas that I covered during module 1.  It is an approach that acknowledges the central role of the individual to the whole learning process.  With myself being right in the middle of the Inquiry I need to choose a topic that is relevant to me, and the world that surrounds me, therefore it will benefit me, my colleagues, my work and other professionals.  With an inquiry relating to my work it will also help me, not just others to learn more about what I am doing whilst I am doing it.  Inquiry is a way to examine what I do to find the right questions to ask to lead me to a more in-depth understanding.  This form of learning will help me to engage with relevant problems, draw on existing knowledge, seek new evidence and then analyse and present my results/findings.  My inquiry should relate to my workplace, and the topic should be based on experiences I am involved in as a professional. Working on an inquiry within my professional practice will help develop my academic skills, as much as Work Based Learning. 

Professional inquiry is linked very much to work based learning.  Reflection should take place upon what goes on in my workplace and learning from experiences should lead to findings that can result in improvement of practice.  'Inquiry involves intent, a sense of purpose' (Judi Marshall 2001) along with questionning that should always remain open to help the inquiry to continue to develop, knowing and using this will help me to develop and find the perfect inquiry title for myself. 

Research and knowledge are both important as each other during my inquiry process.  With what I learnt about Work Based Learning in module 1, I now need to take forward and use this for my inquiry as there are many aspects of work based learning I can use in my inquiry to help me find my Inquiry topic and form my findings.  Within my own professional inquiry I will be expected to examine the knowledge and skills that are needed to be in my professional field. 

Knowledge itself is a complex idea and whilst my inquiry is ongoing I must remember that there are a range of concepts within knowledge and I must consider the different forms of knowledge.  Identifying the different kinds of knowledge will help me within my inquiry, during my inquiry and to progress me to my end results.  Now the reader has helped me to learn that within a workplace where my inquiry is going to take place that there are many different types of knowledge and these do not all fit nicely under one catogory/discipline.  Now the disciplines will provide particular frameworks through which to explore and understand and then move forward and use.  Disciplines can be conceived as 'tools for learning'  (Sayers 1948, in Burleigh 1973) so I need to learn to use these to my strengths as these disciplines can articulate problems, investigate problems, report on outcomes, all in all providing me with a wider rep of learning tools.  This is an advantage in a complex world.  Whilst I am doing my inquiry I need to consider 'inter-disciplinary' knowledge which is specific to me as I am in a world where there is more than one discipline that I am involved in, for example a dance teacher is trained in many forms of dance but also trained in teaching and education. 

Now there are many more facts and key points that I can take on from this reader, (I cannot blog them all)! to help me now plan my inquiry and come to one specific topic that I wish to pursue.  I will use knowledge from many areas that I have already gained and use this to look in to further areas I may wish to expand my knowledge on.  Identifying my own knowledge and skills in the workplace and looking at further knowledge to be explored can be part of the questionning process of professional inquiry.  Now I can look in to many questions that lie with in my field of work and consider what I would like to take forward as a question for my inquiry.  Using the information from the reader, the different lines of professional inquiry can help me to find my focus on my own line of inquiry I will follow. 

Please join me on my journey to finding my Inquiry!

The progress I have made now all on Blog

So here goes, I have managed to get internet access this week to post all my Blogs I have been working on during module 2 over the last couple of months, to show my progress and journey to finding my perfect topic for my professional inquiry. 
Please enjoy reading and any comments always greatly appreciated which will help me finalise a few parts of my work ready to hand in. 
