Thursday 4 November 2010

My First Thoughts - The Induction Day

Well it has been a while since I attended the Induction Day, but I have been reading back over my notes and thought I would post a blog with my thoughts and feelings.  
   -It was a nerve wracking time at first, for several reasons - It has been 2 years since I did any form of college work and 6 years since I was involved in full time academic work.  At the beginning I had no idea what to expect or what exactly this course entailed
    Looking back now the Induction Day helped me to move forward and get a good insight in to what lies ahead for me over the next 16months.  It was great to meet other students on the course, especially as there will be lots of interaction between everyone using the blogging process.  It was also nice to see we were all in the same boat and nobody really knew what to expect or what road we were heading down.  With group discussions, questions asked and answered and a good overview of what lies ahead I am glad I attended the Induction Day.  Now with what this day has set me up with, and the readings I have to move forward on through my course all I have left to say is ....... "here goes!!" ........

1 comment:

  1. Emma good start - carry on with the thinking - how are the reflection tasks goings? have you done a day yet? and now professional networking - I hope to get the videos up this weekend - what are you up to? Check out others blogs - some very good ones up...
